Crow - Raven Animal Spirt Guides are pure magic.

by Jenni Cornette in , , , , , , , ,

A spirit animal i s a teacher, guide and messenger that comes in the form of an animal and has a special connection to an individual. The animal spirt does not necessarily represent who you are, but rather where you need guidance or teachings. A person ,ay have one or more spirit animal.

I attended a virtual New Moon Ritual on this past new Blue Moon in Libra, a super blue moon, with a mentor of mine., on October 16, 2020. The spirt animal that came forward and she taught us was crow/raven. Those of you that know me know crow has been a animal spirit guide of mine since the passing of my Granny. My mentor shared with us her wisdom of the crow and raven and the differences.

These are some of the teachings.

They are considered a POWER animal and a wonderful source when you need a spiritual rebirth.


The raven is larger with a double wing span as the crow and the call sounds different. They are from the same family and both are regarded one of the most intelligent creatures.

The raven is larger with a double win span as the crow and the call sounds different. They are from the same family and both are regarded one of the most intelligent creatures.

Crow spirit animal guides recognize magical people and will show up and play, live and be in the presence of the magic. Crows are messengers of change. in some cultures possibly death (which is essentially change to me).

Crow guides show up for collective wisdom, global change, climate change, family and community. Crow message is for INFORMATION.

Raven shows up for a message of solitary magic. The message is specifically for you. Raven message is for TRANSFORMATION.

Raven is a keeper of secrets and will show up for those worthy of their message.

Both are masters of illusion and may be bringing ancestral messages.

Both Raven and Crow Spirts are guardian of the west. The element of water.







-emotional healing


To learn more about animal spirit guides and connecting with the teachings, email me at to make a virtual appointment.


New Moon Ritual to Manifest Positive Change

by Jenni Cornette in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Celebrate the New Positive Change that has just occurred with herbal tea, sacred music or dance. You can drum or stare at the stars what ever feels right for this cycle, as each will be different.  

Date the Mantra you created and keep it near your computer of vanity mirror where you can see it everyday.  Have a box or beautiful book or container to place this Affirmation - Mantra when this cycle has moved into the following New Moon.  It is a beautiful way to celebrate a new year or birthday to go back over the cards you created and see all the Positive change you manifest in a year.  

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From Fear to Freedom in 22 Steps

by Jenni Cornette in , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How do you handle fear and vulnerability?

 I do not think there is one of us that has not had a fearful occasion or two in our life.  We all have a story, or if you are like me, many stories. The end result and the way we deal with scary situations or trauma, however, is our choice.  You can make a decision to be a victim or decide you are a survivor.  In my opinion, there is only one way to deal with fear and that is to FACE THE FEAR.   This skill is something that can be developed, exercised and maintained to push thru.  There are many names for mental power : mindset, energy medicine or healing, faith, law of attraction, or the power of positive thinking, are a few.  At the end of the day, what we call it does not matter, just mastering the concept and continued commitment to development is what will define your success in life.  Sometimes we have situations that occur that are out of our control, but I believe with every part of my mind, body, and soul, that WE CAN CONTROL OUTCOMES WHEN WE FACE THE FEAR.  When we let go, release, and have absolute faith that the universe - Spirit- God- source, will handle our fate, this is when the magic begins to happen.  It is up to us to allow them to guide us.

I am very passionate about educating and empowering other women and children this mindset medicine mastery.  My method and practice has helped me thru the premature birth of my first born child that weighed lbs, was hospitalized on life support for the four months of his life.  This early arrival was 2004.  I lived on Orlando Florida, The Sunshine State.  The 2004 late summer season had numerous unusual occurrences.  With six hurricanes reaching at least Category 3 intensity.  2004 had the most major hurricanes since 1964. Florida was severely impacted by not one, but four hurricanes during the season - Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. 

My strength of mind and MINDSET MASTERY,  also aided me in recovering from a past marriage that was unhealthy and abusive, once I discovered his betrayals.  I healed the cancer I was told I had and I have helped many other clients, friends, and family members triumph and overcome health, life, and relationship crisis.  To create their own life stories of victory, by facing their fear and maintaining a positive mindset.

If you feel like there is no way out of you circumstance, there is a way out.  If you think there is no way to recover, you can recover.  If you feel defeated, hopeless and helpless, I have been there.  I have CHOSEN TO BE A SURVIVOR.  I refuse to be a victim.  It is my belief that we all have the spirit and will inside of us to make miracles happen.  I have seen these miracles with my own eyes.  As a holistic healer, light leader, and alternative medicine practitioner with 22 years experience I have seen people heal themselves, change their relationships, improve there reality and transform naturally.  

Sometimes the greatest obstacle with fear is the inability to ask for help.  I know this, because I have lived in this space.  The truth is the Universe and your own mind, body and spirit are in a continued motion to heal, create harmony, and balance in our bodies.  It is my mission to educate others on how to tap into this energy and way of thinking.  These are not new age "hocus pocus", but rather, ancient practices and used by ancestors in every region.  This is a modern day practice of ancient rituals.

My goal is to empower others with these tools.  I want to encourage women and children to overcome, become anything they desire and live a happy beautiful life.  I am opening registration for my Signature FROM FEAR TO FREEDOM 22 day online group event and workshop.  I am holding space for 22 people that are ready and willing to find health, success, peace and happiness in all areas of their life.

If this speaks to you, if you have a struggle, or are facing fear with your health, relationships, career or ANYTHING else click here for details to enroll.  Spirit Warrior - FROM FEAR TO FREEDOM 22 DAY ONLINE GROUP WORKSHOP.

Comment below or private message me and tell me how you currently work thru fear.  If you have questions regarding how I can help you make a mindset shift in your life holistically please do not hesitate to reach out.  I am here for you.  

In Love + Light,

Jenni xo

Bring on the Full Moon Ritual - Eclipse and All

by Jenni Cornette in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Moon Magic - sacred adornments, elixirs, remedies, and tonics.  Moon Rituals.  Self Care Rituals

With the self care rituals revival in full swing, take advantage of the FULL MOON and the sacred practice of MOON RITUALS.  Native American and other cultures have been practicing moon rituals since ancient times with the wisdom of the health benefit to self of letting go of the past, not dwelling on hardships and setting new intentions for the next phase and future.  

 I hope you are ready for a major energy shift because it is coming and it is big. Just be aware and prepare for it, and forgive your friends and family if they are not themselves.  It's just a Aquarius Full Moon thing! This full moon is also an eclipse, so the Sun, Moon, and Earth are all aligned.  The Moon will pass behind the Earth and into its shadow. Take advantage of the natural reflective occurrence as a signal to reflect on the past.

During this Full Moon Phase lay the groundwork for what is to come.  You must not only set intentions but see them through.  Think about things you have been putting off - projects- ideas-to do list.  put in the work now, face sticky situations and move on.  This is necessary to cleanse the soul and spirit for the new season.

The Eclipse will bring opportunity for greater spiritual connection, I recommend quite time alone to reflect.  You will find the answers in the silence or stillness.  So break free and let go of any thing that is weighing you down or you have been avoiding.  Take advantage of the symbolic power of the full moon and eclipse together to prepare you for the rest of year.  Face and communicate like a warrior with grace.

Ways this moon might affect you:

Edgier than the norm.  Quick to anger - 

Care more about yourself and less about what others think

Crave extra love, support, and attention  (mothers who usually give all the nurture need it now)

Put yourself and your families needs first

Beautiful Confidence -self awareness- elevated conscious

Shift into happier phase of life

Sacred Moon Rituals

Out with the old - In with the new.  If it is not assisting you manifest your dreams - get rid of it with this full moon

Get two pieces of paper and carry them with you through out the day.  One will be labeled "I am releasing all emotions and regrets from my mind, body and soul to allow space for my spirit" Write down every thing that comes to mind, every mistake, regret, why didn't I, if only, what if I had that comes to mind.  All day allow the feelings and words to pop into your mind and write them down on your list.  Label your other sheet of paper "I am manifesting my future" List everything that comes to mind, every dream, task, goal, creation that you have.  Write down everything you want and intend to do.  Do not leave anything out, no matter how big.  YOU DESERVE IT ALL!  So dream big little one!

  • Sit outside with a candle or fire-pit sunset
  • reflect on all that has diminished light from you
  • what has made you hide your light,  why have you not lived up to your own standards, why and how have you let yourself and others down
  • acknowledge that all things are progress and all actions and moments have made you who you are today.  a beautiful soul.
  • release this to the moon under its glow
  • give gratitude for the teachings and lessons learned
  • light the list of disappointments and allow it to rise to Spirit-God-Creator with faith that they will release the negative energy.
  • read your list of hopes and dreams to be heard and put in the hands of Spirit-God-Universe then take the list and bury it into the earth to plant your seeds for the future.
  • I make a copy or take a picture of my creation list and keep them in my journal to see what unfolds during the month.  You will be amazed!
  • Invite spirit to guide you to your hearts passion

This is an opportunity to have a new beginning. Commit to not allowing any pain or suffering of the past weigh you or others around you down in the future.  With this change make a bold and brave commitment to stand up for your priorities, have new solutions to past problems and focus on what is in front of you with positive mindset and courage.

soul-spirit cleanse

Smudge your sacred space with sage to clear old unwanted heavy energy and to protect the space for new energy

Many cultures and religions use sacred smoke made from medicinal plants.  This is called smudging in Native American.  Smudging has multiple purposes, the most common are clearing negative energy and bring vision.  It is used to clear sacred space and open the soul when calling upon the Spirits for healing.  The four major plant medicines used in Native American rituals and ceremonies are tobacco, sweet grass, sage and cedar. 

So Soul Sisters and Spirit Warriors get ready for this FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS and smudge your beautiful little hearts out!

Shift is happening- Its Time To Rise!

Must read special sacred announcement :

I have some sacred adornments, elixirs, tonics, sisterhood circles and remedies that I am creating under this full moon.  All to add to your self care rituals. Stay tuned to get the word and energy of these new things coming your way from Spirit Warriors.

With Love + Light...

Color Therapy Use of Elements in Business

by Jenni Cornette in , ,

by Jenni Cornette-Spirit Warrior

I am convinced that the key to business success in this modern day is in using a back to the basic approach and intertwining it with the intelligence of current technology.  Just like any other wave in life, if is in finding the balance.  Some business platforms have much potential but without the holistic human emotion link these business plans will not work for long term.  With more and more information thrown our way from computers, devices, schools, business and other organizations the human brain in its on going desire to seek balance in mind-body-spirit connection will become more and more selective on what is allows in, those that are smart will learn that color therapy can help us gain the attention thru visual art to attract the initial attention of our clients.  

Color has a significant and profound effect on all levels of mind-body-spirit.  It has a physical effect, can produce emotional and mental behavior, thus causing reaction and memory that can be used to impact the story of your brand and purpose.

We use color to act daily without even noticing it, for example selecting ripe fruits and vegetables.   

In Itself Color can have a profound effect on us on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

We are in a world where color dominates our lives, from reading signs on the road to seeing if fruit is ripe to eat. It affects our moods - blue is calming - red can make us tense. We use and experience color everyday in our lives without even appreciating it.

Colors may have played a very important role in the life of early human beings, whose very existence was governed by light and darkness. The concept of color therapy probably originated in ancient Egypt several thousand years ago. The concept of color therapy is based on the fact that our physiologic functions respond in predictable manner to specific colors. Colors and light are intimately connected to human being the land, rivers, trees, forests, and oceans. In fact the every living thing depends on light and to be able to exist most of the living organisms depend on the colors. Color therapy specialists use color in a variety of ways to promote health and healing. Most living things including human being get energized by variety of colors in the day light including bright red, orange, and yellow colors, and calmed and rejuvenated by the blue, indigo, and violet colors of the night. There is some scientific evidence to suggest that every cell in our bodies in fact emits light. Color therapy, also known as chromo therapy, is practiced by many alternative health practitioners. The different colors we see in the world around us are the result of light vibrating at different frequencies.

For the ancients, the colors that make up sunlight were each considered to show a different aspect of the divine and to influence different qualities of life. A therapist trained in color therapy uses color to balance energy wherever our bodies are lacking, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental. Pineal glands, which are intimately, attached to our brain control the daily rhythms of life, light and colors play a big role in controlling that rhythm. We live in a sea of energy where color is working within us. Sunlight, or full-spectrum light, holds all the wavelengths of color in the visible spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and magenta) as well as infrared and ultraviolet light, which cannot be seen. Some of the tools used in color therapy are gemstones, candles, wands, prisms, colored fabrics, bath treatments, and colored eye wear. When light enters through the eyes (or the skin) it travels neurological pathways to pineal glands. It shines with in our divine self, and radiates upon us and traverses through our entire system. Different colors give off different wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions. Research and observation has shown us that specific colors bring balance to our physical and emotional systems. Chromo therapy can easily be used as a system of alternative treatment to achieve the same results in unblocking meridians without the discomfort of needles used in acupuncture. 
