Jenni Cornette Healing Facilitator - Modern day Ritualist - I believe in LOVE

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Living with Presence During A Pandemic - Guest Blog by Camille Johnson

Living with Presence During a Pandemic

We’re all feeling more introverted these days. Even the bubbliest of personalities turned inward to adapt in a world of physical distancing. But as time goes on, what was intended as short-term coping mechanisms has turned into a general blah. Our minds are wandering, our motivation low, and life is just sort of … existing.

As the New York Times put it, “It feels as if you’re mudding through your days, looking at life through a foggy windshield … You’re not functioning at full capacity.”

In short: You’re not living with presence.

How can you get your groove back if the pandemic squashed your motivation and mental energy? While we might not be at the finish line just yet, you can push through mental roadblocks and get out of this rut you’re in.

Address the problems you’re avoiding

We’ve all done it: Ignore a problem hoping it will magically go away. Not only is it ineffective, but this maladaptive strategy adds to your stress. It’s much better to address your stressors head-on.

Is office drama making work miserable? Instead of letting resentment bubble up and contribute to a toxic workplace, take responsibility for your role in personality conflicts. A coworker may push your buttons, but your reactions are up to you. Learn to deescalate and try to view difficult coworkers in a new light. You may not love their personality, but are they a reliable teammate or a creative problem-solver?

Money problems weighing on your mind? Making a budget is the last thing you want to do when money is tight, but taking control of your family’s finances is surprisingly empowering. Only by crunching the numbers can you calculate the fastest way to pay down debt or find ways to save money on monthly expenses. Even if you can’t afford to pay more towards debts, you may be able to consolidate at a lower interest rate or refinance your house with a new mortgage with lower payments.

Find new challenges

It might seem counterintuitive, but challenging ourselves creates small wins that build motivation towards larger goals.

Start learning something new and challenge your spouse and kids to do the same. A new hobby can tie into family time, like starting a garden, crafting or cooking together, or learning a foreign language as a family. It’s also a great excuse for me-time. Sign up for a class you’ve always wanted to try and put it on the calendar. Your kids have extracurriculars, don’t you deserve one too?

If work fills you with dread, think seriously about shifting your career trajectory. Tons of people are reevaluating their careers during the coronavirus pandemic in search of more meaning and better work-life balance. That includes people taking advantage of the massive explosion in online higher education as well as those venturing out as first-time business owners.

Seek meaningful experiences

Life in a pandemic can be monotonous to say the least. However, there are ways to add purpose and presence to everyday life.

Doing things for others feels good during a time of disconnection. Do you know someone who could use a hot dinner or a free day of babysitting? You don’t need to know anyone personally to make a difference. Connect with a local mutual aid group (use this map to find networks near you) to provide direct aid to neighbors or start volunteering as a family. Even if your kids are young, you can collect donations, do a clean-up, foster a homeless pet, or a number of other ideas.

Don’t underestimate the power of finding meaning in the little moments. Stop letting your mind wander during family time. If you find staying present difficult, try scheduling time with your kids to relieve the guilt of whatever else you “should” be doing. Both you and your children will get more out of the experience when you treat time together as precious.

It’s been a long haul through the pandemic. If the burden is weighing on you, why not change up your tactics? These changes might not transform your world overnight, but they will put you on the path to a happier mindset and a more meaningful life.

Visit Jenni Cornette for unique healing treatments based on spiritual, energy, and vibrational healing. Schedule a free connection conversation today.