2/22/2022 Portal

by Jenni Cornette in , , , , ,

Those of you that know me, know 2 is my magic number. I was born on the the 22nd, married on the 22nd. My Angel Number for my Granny is 222.

Today being 2/22/2022 is feeling very strong vibrationally. This number will never occur again in any lifetime.

2 is a master builder number. It teaches us to trust yourself, have will power and can speed up manifesting.

Today is the vibration for relationships, harmony and unity. Today is the perfect time to start creating the relationships you want in all aspects f life. Family, friendships, business partnerships adn all other relationships.

Make time today to set you new intentions. Today is a portal to shift into your Next stage of life. Massive expansion and awareness can occur with the correct mindset, confidence and will power.

First reflect on where you feel blocked or stuck dn what is holding you back. Recognize what is causing you to not receive full abundance and then make shifts to remove the obstacles. Do you feel unworthy? Are you fearful? Inside do you lack true confidence? Do you have past unhealed trauma?

Once you can see you truth and be vulnerable even if only with yourself. You can consciously decide to shift to a higher frequency.

So Set your intention, speak your truth outload and then actually do the necessary work to create your new stage of life and transform your intention into your reality.

You are capable of anything and you deserve to live the life of your dreams with your most aligned adn balanced relationships.

If 2 is a master builder and sequence with another 2 is amplified adn super charged so think of the power behind 222222! Dream big friends, a portal and opportunity like this will not happen again. This is truly the chance of a lifetime!