Jenni Cornette Healing Facilitator - Modern day Ritualist - I believe in LOVE

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7 Ways to clear you energy for empaths, healers and energy sensitive individuals.

As a practitioner of the healing arts, I know the importance of clearing my energy field in between clients and also at the end of the day. But many empaths, intuitive people, and energy sensitive individuals may be holding the energy of others without even realizing it, this will begin to get very heavy without the knowledge of ways to clear your energy daily. Here are some of my best practices and rituals to clear and protect your energy.

  1. Smudging is the act of burning sacred herbs, resins, and or plants to clear the energy of a space of person or entity. There are various smudging sticks including sage, Palo Santo, copal, cypress, sweetgrass, cedar, juniper and rosemary to name a few. Make sure to leave windows and the front door open of the space you are smudging so any negative energy can leave the space adn not remain trapped in the space.

  2. Himalayan Salts can be used in a bath before bed, They can also be mixed with distilled water in a spray bottle and sprayed over your body or in a room. They may also be placed in the corners of a room to clear energy.

  3. Intentions setting. Set the intention and mindfully release all energies back to those you were in contact with for the day and call your energy back to yourself. If you are in your home or office you can set the intention for what you want to release, remove or create in the space and also how you wan the space et feel.

  4. Sound healing tools are available that have the ability to clear the energy of a person or space. Singing bowls, drums, crystal pyramids or sound healing music can be played to create a high vibration.

  5. Crystals have a vibration and are gifts from the earth that can be allies for many things including clearing energy. Some of the most popular are selenite, black kyanite, black tourmaline and black obsidian. Be mindful o only purchase ethical sourced adn fair trade crystals.

  6. Essential oils have been used since ancient times in rituals and ceremonies. To clear your space or yourself of negative energy burn, frankincense, lavender, and sage will purify energy.

  7. Have a service with an energy healer to balance your chakras and clear your energy at least once a month. I recommend once every week or two if you are an empath or sensitive to the energies of others or notice yourself feeling heavy, depressed or stressed.