Jenni Cornette Healing Facilitator - Modern day Ritualist - I believe in LOVE

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The New Moon In Cancer - January 2018 : THE WOLF MOON

The first Full Moon of the year falls on Jan 1 2018, is at 11 degrees Cancer.   AS it is in opposition to Venus, it may highlight and bring to much needed surface, the differences between love and affection fel;t between two people and if those two are partners romantically or otherwise.

This is a loving moon, a Motherly Moon, one that wants to Nurture. But a Mother will not Nurture under false pretense, nor will this Full Super Moon in January 2018.   Our Mother Earth, Our true essence, is asking us to define our TRUE desires and Our TRUE IDENTITY and to step forward into this role for this New Year.

The foundation has been set last year.  We have done the work, laying the stable core value and brick of ethics and code in 2017, to evolve and vibrate with the light we were born to shine.

Take from now until January 9th, during this transition period to establish with certainty the parts of family, love, joy, that were off balance or distraction in the previous year.  This year, instead use TRUE IDENTITY to ensure the harmony of all the limbs or wheels to be aligned to reach our full potential in Flow.

The Moon in Cancer calls us to use our intuition to guide us.  Our Intuition will not steer us wrong.  We may not like the paths we have to go or avoid to honor this intuition, but in the long run, you and your purpose will best be served by following her guidance.

This Month will have a second Full Moon with an Exclipse.  This as all Moon Cycles, is important energy to journal.  I strongly feel the next 2 2 1/2 years will be essential to jopurnal and document your insights, rememberences, your visions into the future.  The creations you are manifestion.  The seeds you are planting and the intentions you are setting.

This is the most powerful few moon energies I have experienced since I can remember the light workers are going to make a shift as prodicted and we will have world change.  So make sure to draw, make symbols, color meanings, even what now may not make sense will one day if not to you, to someone you sharee with.

As we move to the Age of Aquarian Teachings Everything is going to be seen with the pure love and innonce of a newborn and what a beautiful view of our new world we are creating together.